Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy new year! yip new year new challenges all good...things are and have been shakin up a bit over the holidays and there are going to be some changes with us unfortunately but hey you got to keep moving and try to control the controllables i mean thats all we can do right? otherwise you just make yourself mental tryiing to fix and appease everyone all the time..thats i guess is my new years res just do my best and try not to take things personally and a few more things thers actually a good book to read that a good friend gave to me about a year ago when i was well.....fucked up called the "four agreements" well worth a read especially at the start of the new year and use it like a bit of a handbook to keep you sane....."my life is always on the mend" theres always something that seems to pop up when you least expect so i guess you just get used to that fact and press on...dont get me wrong i consider myself really really lucky i think i have my friends a nd fam to thank for that...the cool part about life is that no matter how shitty it gets sometimes you can always start to fix it at anytime.

Gladstone show was amazing great crowd excellent energy and shortwave and debaser blew the place up check them out in our myspace "top friends" section.

I want to thank the Gladstone staff for the amazing service they delivered as is always the case cheers!

fuck! i really want to get into the studio and do some demoing very very soon were sitting on some of what we think is our best material right now im also going a bit squirrely over the fact that my side project "the pullie project" has'nt seen much attention of late due to us being so busy which is going to change this year im gonna give it some love over the next month or so and see if i can get in the studio to get at least the beds of some of these songs down...its really mellow stuff wordy and full and i cant wait to show you.

so have a great new year and remember your thoughts shape it so try to concentrate on the good ones and in time they should appear!

