Sunday, August 27, 2006

hey hey
writing from the "super 8" in gonna keep this short...ish......i love touring! i have had the oportunity to meet so many great people along the way and this in the big picture really is just the start...what i love about it is the fact that theres nothing to worry about all day i mean youre farway from home in a van with you and your thoughts with plenty of new happenings..happening all the time so its a writers of my favourite books "on the road" by kerouac is what this little tour reminds me night its showtime...the crowds have been really receptive to us excepth the place in north bay ...well thats not entirely true i guess the people loved us but the old wank of a bar owner hooked us early for being"too loud" it was really weird......but with that exception the shows have been amazing last night here in Timmins "home of Shania Twain" we rocked hard to a room of 2-300 and made alot of new friends sold many cds and basically spread the word of the dunes

what else is really cool is weve had really good press all the way up here got a few covers of some local papers and entertainment mags which i think has really helped

heres some things to remember

-we are currently on rock radio in B.C. , Manitoba, and New Brunswick and all over the college radio scene...aswell as xm radio and galaxie you can also check us out on i tunes

-we shoot our video september 7th
-"socializing w/ life" is in stores in the U.k. sept 20 and sept 26 here in Canada

ok sorry bout the facts sheet but we need to update somewhere and right now its in this blog i have written a bunch of kinda cool things in the last week or so that i will put up here when i get email access again but for now were on our way to thunderbay to blow some minds!!!!

long live rocknroll
