Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Set yourself apart for it is in you to do so. Perhaps its time to give yourself and ask for nothing but too be happy in the collective no more than an owl in the tree tops of the forest, every now and then or when called upon to do your "who who"...or your "hoo hoo" guess it all depends. All the while beneath you and above you various parts of you and us fill in the blanks...its a sound that must be right can only be right. That is...if it becomes so. Its one, we are one every micro and every macro movement sound feeling emotion is one the connectivity blows my mind. Its too big to complicated but always right. Why? I dont know? It just is. Its always right even when i think its wrong. When i swear its wrong god dammit its wrong! Nope its right...facing that and facing yourself isnt easy, but what is? is to look inside and face it all the good the ALL. Dont believe a word from the world cause you are the world at least your world and really thats all that there is. Love is the only thing worth living for..and whether you know it or not thats what keeps you alive. So breath it in you beautiful bastards.....breath it in! Make up your own mind on everything and anything do not be one of the 87% who follow...inside of you there are instructions that you need to follow and they are called instinct follow them at all times. Just saying. Pay attention.