Sunday, May 06, 2007

Hey been in away in Mexico fro the last week surfing yip surfing fucking life changing stuff i almost feel like writing some jack johnson type songs....almost but note quite.....yeah so it was pretty amazing week many stories to tell to many for me to even get into right now definitly the most awesomeness came from surfing as a kid growing by the ocean i kinda messed with a board a few times but nothing serious its something ive often thought about giving a go and i think my years of metally riding waves helped me out ...i was up after the first half a dozen waves and craving that feeling of exhileration and freedom from that first time no fucking pro for sure but i could see my self going on surf holidays in the future it was a great week got to hang with my bro aswell and met some interesting people...i will post a few pics when i get them from my friend she was the official now what? well time to get ready for a summer of rocknroll...yip very excited got lots of shows lined up....on a sour note the video we shot for calling all cars is something of a bust a saw it monday and in its current state is nowhere close for to being ready for public veiwing...unfortunately as i suspected all along somehow the idea was lost and im not sure it can be saved and im really fucking dissapointed by the whole fridays show will not be a video release party/show however it will be great as great as we can make it
