Thursday, October 28, 2004

wednesday night poem

reality blurs sometimes,
is it smiling right now?
in through the curves and out through the pipeline
the same water gushes, bringing flushes and folds

opinions set in cement! 12 inches thick!
"i said i know of what i say"
but yet they're only words
"i said i know of what i say!"
but still they are only words
perception is the safe that the world cannot crack
for history and our mystery exist's to hold us back

honesty is the lone oasis in life! (a love breeder)
something that we all recognize.........always!
we know "true" because we can feel it
an honest smile!
a lift! a ride! a gate! a bridge!
stands up top of the pile!
keeps time like a clock!
meets up like a corner!

...............and most importantly.......brings!
what we need to succeed!
cause the road is slippery and the slope is steep!
and we're all shopping for traction so we can reach the peak.


i would like to thank my sponsor stella artois for my ramblings this evening, and i guess its actually thursday now, but, the poem was inspired by pullen out!

kick yourself!

Sunday, October 24, 2004

first thanks to all that came out to the vanhelsing monster bash!
it was a busy day i met dana downtown at about 2:30 at her place then we were off to the cd printing house to pick up the limited edition dunes "socializing with life"
cds, from there we went back to dana's where chris picked us up to head down for load in and sound check at 5pm as you all know it was a blustery day quite chilly!
we arrived matt was there with our roadies volk and chris but no jason we met all the people that we needed to meet sound people organizers the guys from "doctor" who are all very cool guys and girl(thier guitarist is a girl really good player and cute)the lead singer is danny greaves x frontman from the watchmen a fairly well know canadian band which achieved a level of success here in canada in the 90's, as i said all good people, so these guys are sound checking first its now close to 6 and jason has yet to arrive, so to put it mildly panic began to set in its hard to do a sound check with out your lead guitarist and to top it off he had my amp and electric guitar aswell(i was freaking out). my voice seemed to be okay but usually before a show i have a habit of convincing myself that i cannot sing, jay shows up at twenty past six just as doctor finishes thier sound check thank god (apparent car problems)right so we start doing our check its cold and my voice is shite, so we finish and im not so happy with the way things were going up to this point at all for the next hour i drank hot water and honey in hopes that this would remedy my vocal pains, we hit the stage at 9 sharp opened with the song "now" and guess what i could sing again so im feeling a bit better now for sure the place was pretty full my voice was working my guitarist was here all is good.
5th song in i break a frickin string during "hurry up" not good! so i swithced to my electric while our roadie volk put a new one on for me 2 songs later its back to an acoustic song volk comes up with my acoustic at least i think but its not he mumbles to me "i broke the new string putting it on heres the back up" now normally this wouldn't be a problem you know backup guitar cool! the problem was is that we didnt sound check the backup and we didnt have a feed back buster for the sound hole( feed back buster goes in the sound hole of the guitar to cut any feedback from the stage monitors with out one usually on plugging in one would hear shrieking feed back)in my head im like this could all go very wrong i plugged in and and....................
nothing (there is a god) no feedback! so we played out the rest of the set anxiety free
overall i dont think it was our best performance we played a little fast and a little sloppy at times but what we are hearing on stage and what the audience hears is completly different, turns out that played pretty well we got a lot of positive feedback from strangers and friends alike.
got some good connections at edge 102 lana and barry taylor were there we chatted good people lana asked for a disk to play on her indie show very cool, met the presidents of universal music and universal studios they said they really enjoyed our shit, there were lots pretty ladies there aswell which is always a good thing,
from there on we just partied like rockstars to the wee hours in the morning
overall a pretty successful show and a good time, oh yeah on matts journal he has lots of pics from the show so check them out


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

i feel as if im back in scotland at the moment with all this inclement weather but thats a good feeling cause i love that place had a great weekend made it back to the mod club again love that place to!
had a really cool meeting with some film students on monday who are giong to work on a back drop image type thing for our shows i think i conveyed my ideas pretty well and they were totally sold i think they are as excited about this dunes expansion as i/we all are, its gonna be really cool, i mean music has to stand up for itself, but this will just add another dimension to the live show, music and imagery can be very powerful this two fold effect will take the listener/veiwer to another level at our shows, not so much through direct correlations with words and images for that isnt the desired effect our plan is not to tell a story rather express a theme which leaves the listener/veiwer still able to draw thier own conclusions in the music

right so we have a big show this weekend at 9pm kinda early hopefully we will have a good crowd, now we have been given a block of tickets so any fans of ours who want them should email one us and we can arrange to get them to you, the tickets would run for the average shcmuck $20, but for the dunes fans its free, thats a good price,
come check us out stay for the fashion show then check out doctor (x frontman of the watchmen, and x change of heart guy)


Sunday, October 17, 2004

late night! actually very early morning the sun is coming up ive just come back from a surf on my longboard and if you dont know what im talking about you are missing out, ok heres the story i will keep it short , i had been thinking of getting a longboard skateboard for awhile just for the carve/surf factor of the the thing (its a freedom thing really) and so my x got me one for my birthday and man at 7am on a day the that makes you feel alive theres nothing better, the wind between your ears nice soft wheels and a head full of stars life is simple just enjoy every turn, learn from your mistakes, and dont look back!


Saturday, October 16, 2004

im in a little better frame of mind these days last week was a bit rough, but we have been rehearsing like mad, for next weekends show and we are very excited its gonna be really cool, just think fashion show, which includes models!!!!yeah thats pretty good! a bunch of wacked out people in wild costumes, awesome prizes, doctor a really cool band and the dunes with a 45 minute set and some advanced copies of thier new album "socializing with life" yeah its gonna be fun.
we have a few new songs aswell i hope you can all make it this one is not to missed!!!!!


Monday, October 11, 2004

today a poem


self medicating and running away
the sunflower wilts and cries
"what a waste" is all that is heard from the voices in the village
on the highway in a daze
bowie sings of changes
its cold now time for a winter coat and a toque
looking back never helps in moving on
the transfer to practice is the challenge
time to tidy to pack to sleep to write to think but not too much
time to throw away the crutch and walk

Sunday, October 10, 2004

very late saturday night and life has hit me with all its force im trying to digest the fact that friend of mine hung himself last night and i still cant believe that it is real you selfish prick!i mean how could you!how fucking could you!im basically just thinking out loud at the moment pretty much fully schnapped but i dont give a fuck at this point i just dont get how things could lead to that. i mean this guy was cool a person that i would confide in and ask for advice and he would always have time for me and clear my head, i dont even know what im trying to say really i just....i just...i dont know..why?i mean ive been down i mean way down in holes that i thought i couldn't climb out of but you hang know?you fucking hang on!i mean thats all anyone does in life really we are all just hanging on at its toughest moments when you think there's no way out you hang on! you fucking hang on! because people are counting on you and people love you, im really fucking pissed off right now and probably shouldn't even be writing anything, this is the second person that i know who has done this in as many years, and when i see you fuckers when i leave this earth you both will get a kicking that you will never!ever!forget! if when i get there you can even show your face so f.u.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

"no time to get down cause im moving up" that k-os disc is great isnt it, that guys got some talent doesnt he?
well right so im moving out my place to venture further into the city we have someone taking this place november 1 only problem is we havent found a place yet we being me and my buddy chris, anybody know of good two bedroom no roaches we will bring our own, i work better under pressure anyway, im thinking the annex queen west or maybe even cabbage town pickings are slimming as muse says "our time is running out" was at alexander keiths birthday monday at the docks good times free pints say no more, there was keltic band playing there not my schtick but i guess they were good, the guy doing the sound was the same guy who did our sound, and he offered up his services at our 23rd show at sunnyside pavillion (cheers denton), we had alot of comments on our sound that night so this is good thing.
tonight we have band meeting and we are welcoming a new member to the dunes albeit a behind the scenes member(which are very important)hes a music management student he was referred to us by sam robert's road manager dave spence(thanks dude), i dont even know the guys name yet but i will let you know when i do

take care comb your hair


Monday, October 04, 2004

what a great weekend!!!a little excessive perhaps but great all the same, went and checked out a band called beta blokka saturday night who we might be doing some shows with in the near future, these guys are good i was very impressed we have very similar sounds and i think we would be a really good fit together, after the show we proceeded to the mod club jumped the line with our limited pull and partied like rockstars, i really love that place it is the best club in the city if you ask me, chatted with mark holmes and mark prinsloo and they expressed thier interest in getting us back in there, which is cool such a great venue! as sits right now our cd has gone to press and will be ready in about 2 and a half weeks rehearsing tonight ive been doing alot of writing these days and we are jamming out some really cool shit, and that my friends is what its all about, tell someone you love them today it cant hurt
